How to move from Apple Notes to Google Keep
If you are here, reading this article, you probably had been living the same painful experience I had when trying to export my Apple Notes living on iCloud.
Is there an easy way to take out your notes from Apple Notes? The short answer is: NO. That app allows you to export your notes in PDF format only… not really reusable or importable in other apps.
One thing you can do, though, is moving your notes to a Google Account, sync notes (all within the Apple Notes app) and you will end up with your notes as new emails labeled with the name of the folder you choose in Apple Notes. Nice, but how can you properly import those emails to a “real” notes taking app/service?
Fortunately, if your new notes taking app is Google Keep (choice I made after reviewing a few other services) a developer took some time to make this process easy, through a Chrome Extension called LP Gmail-Keep importer.
It worked pretty well for me, despite you have to repeat the process for each folder/label you have. Not too much effort, though. For reference, I exported/imported over 1200 notes.
In my experience, the only downside is that attachments are not supported. So if you have images attached to your notes, those need to be re-added. I didn’t have many, fortunately, so not a problem at all.
In my experience, this is the best option you have to achieve that goal, for two reasons: lack of export formats from Apple Notes and lack of import options in Google Keep.
Please let me know if this works for you! Hope this post can help many users facing the same issue.